About The Touch Screen – Latest Screen and GLASS Technology Videos

About Touch Screen:

A Touch screen is display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area, generally refers to touch or contact to the display of the device by a finger or hand. Touch screen is also an input device. The screen are sensitive to pressure; a user interacts with the computer by touching pictures or words on the screen, Touch screens can also sense other passive objects, such as a stylus, the touch screen has two main attributes. First, it enables one to interact with what is displayed directly on the screen, where it is displayed, rather than indirectly with a mouse or touch pad. Secondly, it lets one do so without requiring any intermediate device, again, such as a stylus that needs to be held in the hand. Such displays can be attached to computers or, as terminals, to networks They also play a prominent role in the design of digital appliances such as the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), satellite navigation devices, mobile phones, and video games.

Touch screens are popular in heavy industry and in other situations, such as museum displays or room automation, where keyboard and mouse systems do not allow a satisfactory, intuitive, rapid , or accurate interaction by the user with the display’s content.

Historically, the touch screen sensor and its accompanying controller-based firmware have been made available by a wide array of after-market system integrator and not by display manufacturers and chip manufacturers worldwide have acknowledged the trend toward acceptance of touchscreen as a highly desirable user interface component and have begun to integrate touch screen functionality into the fundamental design of their products.

Watch The Latest Screen and Future GLASS Technology video:

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