World Telecommunications Day – 17th May

The first world telecommunication day was first celebrated on May 17th, 1969. In the same date, ITU (International Telegraph Union) was found. So every year on May 17th this day was celebrated. We know that day by day the importance of telecommunication as well as information technology has been increasing especially the internet.

Telecommunication occurs when the exchange of information between communication rticipants includes the use of technology

Every year, the world telecommunication day is celebrated by selecting one theme. Some of the important themes selected on world telecommunication day include the following.

  • In the year 1969, the first theme selected was ITU.
  • In the year 1981, the selected theme was health & telecommunication.
  • In the year 2009, the selected theme was Children protection in Cyberspace
  • In the year 2012, the theme selected was Girls & Women in ICT
  • In the year 2017, the selected theme was Big Data for Big Impact
  • In the year 2018, the selected theme was allowing the best of artificial intelligence
  • In the year 2019, the selected theme was Bridging the standardization gap
  • In the year 2020, the selected theme was ICTs for the SDGs-Sustainable Development Goals.

The main intension of the World Telecommunication Day is to raise global awareness regarding the use of the Internet, ICT – Information & Communications Technologies to change the economies and society.

One of the themes of this day was connecting the standardization space to focus on the strength of data for development as well as aims to discover how to change difficult and formless data into actionable data to aid in moving development ahead.

This day provides awareness on the positive communication technology between different people around the world.

This day also focuses to make both information & communication effortlessly by giving access to people who were living in rural or remote areas. It also highlights how essential communication in our daily lives and encourages the growth of technologies in the field.

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