What is Robotics?

The intersection of engineering, technology & science that generates machines is known as Robotics. These are a substitute for human actions and it is used to perform different tasks usually by human beings. Robots are extensively used in different industries to perform different tasks like automobile manufacture, in hazardous environments to humans. The main feature of robotics includes artificial intelligence; human senses like touch, vision, & the capacity to detect temperature. Some kinds of robots are capable of making a simple decision.

Robotics is one kind of branch that involves the design, conception, assembly, & operation.

In engineering, Robotics is one kind of branch that involves the design, conception, assembly, & operation. This field partly covers computer science, electronics, mechatronics, artificial intelligence, bio-engineering & nanotechnology.

The main benefits of using Robots are,

  • They never hurt human beings.
  • They follow the rules from humans without delay.
  • They protect themselves without abusing the other rules.

How Robots Work?

The main function of the robot is to control different objects by moving, picking, perceiving, adjusting their physical properties. The main aspects of robotics are; robotics includes electrical components to supply the power to the machinery as well as control. The construction of robotics is mechanical which is designed for accomplishing a specific task and also it includes a computer program to determine when what & how a robotic vehicle does something.

Robotics includes electrical components to supply the power to the machinery as well as control

The physical structure of a robot is movable including a motor, a power supply, a sensor system, & a computer brain to control all the elements. Robots are man-made machines that imitate the behavior of humans & animals.

The root working principle is, they operate based on the measurement by using different types of sensors like touch, light, acceleration, sound, etc. Generally, a sense of time is fitted with perceptual hardware& software. The sensors used in this will communicate with the outside atmosphere & changes the energy connected with what is being measured like light, sound, temperature, pressure into another type of energy.

To imitate the behavior of a human being, robots have to execute three basic tasks. The first one is, it must be aware of the planet around it. The second one is, they must identify somewhat what to do and the third one is, it must be performed on the received commands otherwise information from the operator.

History of Robots:

The first mechanical device was designed to frequently perform a specific physical task which is happened at approximately 3000 B.C. Egyptian water clocks utilized human dolls to hit the hour bells. A wooden pigeon was invented In 400 B.C. by Archytas of Tarentum. In the 2nd century B.C, the statues which are operated hydraulically that could gesture and speak were commonly designed in Hellenic Egypt.

In the first century, Petronius Arbiter invented a doll that moves similar to a human being.

Giovanni Torriani invented a wooden robot that could bring the Emperor's everyday bread from the store in the year 1557

Similarly, Giovanni Torriani invented a wooden robot that could bring the Emperor’s everyday bread from the store in the year 1557. Before the 20th century, the invention of robotics was reached a peak stage by implementing new robotic creations like a talking doll through Edison whereas a steam-powered robot invented by Canadians.

In the early 1950s. the earliest robots were implemented by an inventor George C. Devol, from Louisville, Kentucky. He invented an Unimate which is a reprogrammable manipulator from “Universal Automation.” After that, he decided to sell his creation in the industry; however, it did not be successful.

In the 1960s, an engineer namely “Joseph Engleberger” purchased Devol’s robot copyright to change it into an industrialized robot to start a company like Unimation to generate as well as promote the robots. Because of his efforts toward the implementation of robots, he is called the “Father of Robotics”

In the year 1958, Charles Rosen led a research team at the Stanford Research Institute to develop a robot namely “Shakey” and it was advanced as compared with the actual Unimate, used in particular industrial applications. Shakey robot could move approximately the room to watch the sight with his TV eyes so that it moves across surroundings and responds.

Read Continuous: Types of Robotics

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