Data Privacy Day – 28 January

In today’s digital age Data Privacy plays an important role. Social media has allowed companies to collect and access data and there’s not much privacy left. Companies like Facebook and Instagram promise data privacy, but does it actually happen? As an individual, you have a right to keep your life private. No one can access your information without your permission. To help people understand the importance of data privacy, we celebrate the Data Privacy day.

About Data Privacy Day :

Data Privacy day focuses on creating awareness about data privacy and providing education on online platforms. It was first started by the United States and Canada in 2008, inspired by Europe’s Data Privacy Day. This annual event is organised on 28 January, hosted by Stay Safe Online.

You can join and become a part of this annual initiative. Register yourself to become an individual data privacy champion. You stay dedicated to honor data secrecy and protect data. You can also join the live stream for over Stop Think Connect’s Twitter handle. Use the #Privacyaware during the live stream and engage in the conversations.

Importance of Data Privacy Day:

Data Privacy Day is organised with keeping in mind the importance of data privacy. It is your information and no one should be able to access it without your permission. A number of companies promise to keep your data safe, but we have witnessed cases of privacy fails. In order to keep your information private, it needs to be protected. Data Privacy cannot happen without Data Security.

Data Privacy Day is organised with keeping in mind the importance of data privacy.

There are laws to protect your data. The government has acknowledged the importance of data privacy and data security.  A company needs to identify which data security affects its clients. Laws like GDPR and HIPAA have been enforced to protect user;’s data. The Data Privacy Day is another such attempt to help users maintain their data privacy.

Few Ways to Data Protection:

Few ways to Data Protection: 
1. Avoid Unknown Links 
2. Create Different Passwords 
3. Don’t Share or Store PII 
4. Read the Fine Print 
5. Avoid Unnecessary Access 
6. Online Precautions

Poplar Tweet of #DataPrivacyDay :

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